
Sunday 19 July 2015


No one is born empty or small! According to Nelson Mandela, "it is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another". I know the question in your mind now is: " what do I have?". But read this: "Let us make man in our image". Did you see that?  That is the greatest revelation about the nature of man and its power a lot of people are yet to discover. It means that we all have the image of GOD in us. Therefore, if GOD is intelligent, we are intelligent. If GOD is not poor, we can never be poor. Why? We were never created dull or poor! Everything GOD created is good and perfect–James 1:17.
If this is true, why then is there so much disparity on earth? Why is 'A' more successful than 'B'? Ans: It is because nature is neutral. It does not favor one and disfavor the other. It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separate us. We all have the image of GOD–the nature of greatness and all round success, but a lot of people don't know this. Thus, those who don't know this live small and unfortunately, most of them die small. Those who realize it and activate it, become focus, impeccable, work hard to develop themselves and rise to stardom. Hence, they answer to the question of the great disparity on earth, asked above, is lack of self realization.
To a logical and a curious mind, the next question will be; why is self realization so difficult? Answer: where you are determines what grows within you(Environment)–Mike Murdock. In the words of Mylse Munroe, " the destiny of a seed is the tree". This means that, every seed carries a tree in it. However, without a good soil, the tree in the seed will not sprout. Thus, any seed that could not make it to a tree failed and died without giving the tree in it to the world. Why? Environment. Remember: where you are determines what grows withing you.
Our families, friends, educational and religious institutions, the kind of books we read, culture, beliefs, norms, etc.–our environment, have a lot to do with the way we see ourselves and what we know about ourselves. From childhood, we are programmed by our families, through morals and beliefs, to uphold certain values and jettison some. These values get diffused or strengthened by that of our friends, educational and religious institution. The books we come across also contribute to our world view. Our culture make us see certain feats as attainable and some as impossible. We also get stuck by our beliefs or soar high by them. All these factors determine what grows within us. They determine whether we will die like the seed with the tree in it or give out the tree in us before we die.
The greatest tragedy is not death, but allowing the seeds in us to die while we live–  Norman Cousins.....
To be continued... Watch out for the next series.

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